GAPSAN is a business company operating in the supply industry. Our company has managed to expand its export activities to Asia, Africa and Europe, which was once limited to the Middle East only. Besides, having grown in time, the company is continuous to improve its conditions related to quality and capacity in order to make better contributions to the national economy.
GAPSAN adopts the principle of staying always one step further than our competitors in terms of quality, packaging, style and environmental health. By using the technologies which make our employees feel happier and improve the competitive capacity of our company, we will play a pioneering role in the conditions of activity and the field of efficiency. We perceive this as an objective, a task and a responsibility which we shouldn’t defer in order to gain a reputable image in our province, region, country and the whole world.
GAPSAN, with its experience of almost half a century, is involved in a process of continuous innovation directed towards the future.
By the strategies performed in the business, we aim to be a leading corporation with a specialized personnel, in terms of being directed both to day and the future as inspired by our past.