Mission & Vision


GAP­SAN is a bu­si­ness com­pany ope­ra­ting in the supply in­dustry. Our com­pany has ma­na­ged to ex­pand its ex­port ac­ti­vi­ti­es to Asia, Af­ri­ca and Euro­pe, which was once li­mi­ted to the Midd­le East only. Be­si­des, ha­ving grown in time, the com­pany is con­ti­nu­o­us to imp­ro­ve its con­di­ti­ons re­la­ted to qu­ality and ca­pa­city in order to make bet­ter cont­ri­bu­ti­ons to the na­ti­onal eco­nomy.
GAP­SAN adopts the prin­cip­le of sta­ying al­ways one step furt­her than our com­pe­ti­tors in terms of qu­ality, pac­ka­ging, style and en­vi­ron­men­tal he­alth. By using the tech­no­lo­gi­es which make our emp­lo­ye­es feel hap­pi­er and imp­ro­ve the com­pe­ti­ti­ve ca­pa­city of our com­pany, we will play a pi­one­ering role in the con­di­ti­ons of ac­ti­vity and the field of ef­fi­ci­ency. We per­ce­ive this as an ob­jec­ti­ve, a task and a res­pon­si­bi­lity which we sho­uldn’t defer in order to gain a re­pu­tab­le image in our pro­vin­ce, re­gi­on, co­untry and the whole world.


GAP­SAN, with its ex­pe­ri­en­ce of al­most half a cen­tury, is in­vol­ved in a pro­cess of con­ti­nu­o­us in­no­va­ti­on di­rec­ted to­wards the fu­tu­re.

By the st­ra­te­gi­es per­for­med in the bu­si­ness, we aim to be a le­ading cor­po­ra­ti­on with a spe­ci­ali­zed per­son­nel, in terms of being di­rec­ted both to day and the fu­tu­re as ins­pi­red by our past.